Clipper Race London 30th August 2015 Start
News Published Date : Wednesday, 5 August, 2015 – 16:02
The Clipper Race start is nearly here! All crews are undergoing extensive training before they begin what may be the most exciting challenge of their lives! The Clipper Race will test the metal of all entrants, no what their background or sailing experience.
So what have the crews got to look forward to? Baking hot sun, wet and wild storms, chilling strong winds and salty waves like walls of water. But as long as you are willing to go against the elements and can hold it together under tremendous pressure and pull together with your crew, then this is the experience for you. We will fit you into a crew on some of the best Ocean Racing Yachts and supply all equipment and training you need to begin this amazing journey.
We still have a few places left, so don’t delay and apply today before its too late at:
The race begins on 30th August 2015 from St. Katherine’s Docks London. The fleet of Yachts will be in London from the 23rd August till the Race Start on 30th August with lots going on and entertainment during that period.
Everyone’s invited to come down to see the fleet and watch the Clipper Race Start!

News Published Date : Wednesday, 6 May, 2015 – 23:29
Clipper Race 2015-2016 Portsmouth Meeting
Portsmouth weekend meeting to allocate crews for the Round the World Clipper Race 2015-2016, announcing the Race starting Port.
Nearly 500 crew attended the allocation weekend in Portsmouth for the 2015-2016 Clipper Race. Crews were meeting with skippers for the first time and strategies for the race were being discussed. We are still interviewing for crew so although many spaces are now filled, there is still space and time for you to join in the big Clipper Race.
Race Starting Port for the Clipper Race
The racing start Port was announced this weekend as London for the 30th August and UNICEF UK are going to be the official sponsoring Charity for the Race. Places are now 95% filled so if you wish to join in this epic race, get your applications in asap. This could be the sailing experience of your life and gives you the opportunity of raising money for the children helped by the UK Committee for UNICEF Charity. The next meeting will be at The Little Ship Club in London on the 30th May 2015, so please reserve your places for this early if you wish to attend.